Delicate Cargo

This logistic product is offered to SHIPPERS or CONSIGNEES of common piece goods, which meet the following characteristics:

–          Goods of different range of sets and names, with a list of goods’ name entries (Exhibits, piece goods (up to 10) per entry, with great or without any commercial value of separate pieces);

–          Goods supposed to go thorough a complex carriage consolidation under conditions of impossibility or difficulcy of their placement incide of a cargo module (container, sealed truck, van etc.) protectable against unauthorised inspection, deprivation, loss of initial qualities or embezzlement.

–          Goods not suitable or not prepared for transportation under corresponding commodity, technical, or documentary specifications; experimental cargo that requires corresponding technological and functional support and calculations.

–          Stochastic cargoes, when during processing at least one of cargo parameters is unknown or is a variable or process.

–          Specific regime non-beam cargoes (dangerous, perishable cargo, livestock and raw materials, animals).

–          Valuable cargoes, goods of great demand and/or embezzlement/ loss risk, handicraft and people’s craft products, artwork and luxuries, goods ordered through the Internet.

–          Problem goods or goods with non-standard transportation history (frequent cases of insured compensable accidents or cases of non-guaranteed cargo-to-order adequacy provision by shipper, systematic loss or embezzlement on transport or at transshipment points etc.).

–          Project cargoes, requiring delivery and logistic service schemes development or revision.


Put yourself into our specialists’ hands! They will help you both with the individual working-out of the optimal complex of operations and with the rational distribution of the operations in the logistics chains. With the help of our specialists and upon their responsibility you’ll be able to make necessary decisions and realize your plans with the minimal loss. 


The list of the logistics operations we offer includes:

  • Investigative and project working out, calculation of the complex series, including determination and calculation of the additional to the standard operations abroad.
  • Organization of the export and import operations (by the partners – members of the logistics chain) which suppose some additional protection of the customer’s interests.

–          The accordance of the order to the cargo (surveyor, informational and marketing operations, certification and expertise of the accordance and documentation, packing documentation and photographing, valuation of the cargo and possible damages, chamber of commerce and industry services, selective checking, etc.)

–          Additionalpacking, assemblingandotherpreparatoryworks( development, productionorleaseofthelogisticsmodules, cordageandotheroperations)

–          Additional consulting of the Customer in the law, insurance, technical, technological, economical, customs and taxation aspects of the delivery, including development of the individual package of the supporting and contract documentation.

–          Organizationoftheguaranteedandensuredtransportoperationsaccordingtoindividuallydevelopedplan.

  • Control over the cargoes using basic and additional measures of protection from loss, damage or embezzlement with the guarantee of 100% responsibility for the cargo being under logistics service.   Realization of the everyday tracing procedures and corresponding document workflow procedures.
  • Handling of the production to the customer with the obvious optimization of the overhead costs.


By the order of the customer TransAl

  1. makes necessary investigations , expertise/inspection of goods or supplier, takes the transportation upon itself;
  2. provides the optimal way of delivery using advantages of the participating country’s legislation, carry on negotiations, obeying customers interests;
  3. provides more economical scheme of delivery than the customer’s expeditor does, nails the bargain on the most profitable terms of delivery and provides the insurance;
  4. provides the customs clearance, discharges the cargo and delivers it from warehouse to the customer. Providesallnecessarycertificationandexpertise.

       Why “TransAl”?

  • We get the smallest “local” prices from our partners.
  • Weusethemostadvantageousschemesofdelivery (  Используем наиболее выгодные схемы транспортировки («досыл», «попутка», консолидация)
  • We optimize customs clearance costs; make expertise and certification less expensive.
  • We exclude excessive charges, connected with intermediary services. Weinvestigate, projectandpayourselves.
  • We work directly with experts or producers of goods.
  • We make any search of information according to the type of goods, planned characteristics or qualities.
  • We provide judicial services; act as a representative in the relationship with the partners and courts.
  • We manage projects using PMI methods and require conformity in documentation and procedures according to the principles of “due diligence” and “sufficiency”.
  • We represent expert services in Kazakhstan through the Chamber of commerce and industry.

Taking into account a complex of logistics decisions, in most cases the final price is lower than offers from similar compete and specialized companies.

Goods and equipment already delivered as a part of the product:

  • Exclusive food stuff, household appliances,
  • Automobilesandothervehicles;
  • Goods for elite boutiques, art shows and exhibitions, including jewellery exhibitions
  • Exhibition samples and instruments
  • Worksofart, valuablesandmoney
  • Luxury articles, furniture and interior accessories
  • Measuring and precision equipment.
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