As a company member and an employee of TransAl Freight Company, I entirely put my name down for the following principles of the business ethics and standards, concerning both maintenance and development of my business reputation and authority and of the profession and my company’s commitment to clients and partners:

The client interests’ satisfaction is the first company’s priority and the main care of mine. I promise :

–          To help my company to discharge the duties in maximally possible extent and not to take up on myself any duties that can’t be effectively realized for the client.

–          To follow the agreement between the specified activity, its interests and demands, to discuss  any possible changes of task with the client and get the approval of these changes before starting the work. And, if circumstances don’t  prove it needless, to confirm every possible changes in a written form;

–          Not to serve a client if circumstances can influence my objectiveness, independence or honesty;

–          To do my best to care of the reputation of clients’ and partners’, who are concerned with the company by some liabilities,

–          To keep the information which is a part of the clients’ or partners’ priorities and commercial secret that was entrusted me and the company from unsanctioned spreading.

To know and understand the clients’ problems and remember about the work, that has been made for these problems’ solving and to keep the concerning materials for relevant periods of time.


The authority, business reputation and independence of the company are its main value and the superior purpose of my activity.  I promise:

–          To keep my efforts and the efforts of my colleagues in creation and maintenance of the company’s favorable image as an honest, worthy of respect and recognition of the clients and the partners company;

–          To act in accordance with the values and the mission of my profession, missions and purposes of the company during the working process;

–          Not to be involved in any business, connected with lying, dishonesty or falsification;

To keep the principle of the independent activity of the “TransAl freight company”


The company’s aims of its activity development are general for me and my colleagues. This is the base for my official objects. My higher priority aims:

–          To share my purposes with my colleagues and to aim at collaboration of these purposes’ realization, understanding that they have a right to co-operate with me in achievement of their objectives;

–          Constantly search for means and possibilities for the achievement of the more effective work of the organization;

To be an active adviser for the directorship.


The main purpose of the company and of mine is to achieve the highest results in the business, for this I promise to elicit:

–          A high degree of the client’s satisfaction with the quality of services and with the collaboration with TransAl

–          A high quality of the production in accordance with the ISO – 9000 standards, a quality of the management of operations and collaboration in accordance with TQM principles  (total quality management),

–          The growth and effectiveness of sales

–          The maximal achievement of the productive and other instructions, norms  of the internal order and control, decisions of the production conferences and the directorship instructions;

–          The constant increasing of my professional and cultural level,

The promotion of the company’s services, my and my colleagues’ services, supporting my and my colleagues’ sales in every possible way. Theachievementofthecompany’sgrowth.


The corporative ethics supposes:

–          Objectiveness. All conclusions and recommendations, stated in professional acts should be based on the objective and universal study and analysis of the full volume of information. I promise to differ the entitative facts from my own opinions, suppositions and theories.

–          The possibility to express my opinion about the discussed question and to achieve its acceptance by the argued persuasion method,

–          Adhesion to the decision accepted by the company, even if your own opinion differs from the generally accepted one, and also the responsibility for decision made by myself.

–          Respect to somebody’s opinion, confidence and finick in the purpose achievement and general aims, mutual help and subsequence of actions;

–          The search of the conflict-free decision of the problems, benevolence and  constructive comprehension of critics, being oriented to a high commercial result;

–          Loyalty to a client, direction and the company’s stuff.

Fairness of the business competition. I promise to increase the quality of services in competitive struggle, to enlarge the range of services, to optimize the customer’s expenses for the services and not to discuss business and professional qualification of my business rivals with the 3-rd parties.


Corruption is the absolute evil in all its expressions. I promise to take corruption as a direct stroke to my and my colleagues’ reputation. Not to allow any competitive or corruptional actions of my colleagues or mine against the company, clients or partners.


The contravention of the accepted standards or any other ethical norms is incompatible with the working in the company and brings about the disciplinary punishment and the administrative responsibility. The violators of the ethical norms, described in this law book, show their disrespect to the other employees of the company and cause moral and material damage to them. Each employee of the Company, received criticism for the violation of the professional ethics norms has a right to require from the administration the investigation of the violations of norms, described in this Law book. At will of the employee the investigation can be made confidentially.


Putting my name down for this Law book I state that I accept these principles as my own ones and promise to follow them in every possible way in my activity. I promise to keep myself and my colleagues from the ethics violation, any competitive actions against the Company during the working in the company and after leaving, considering it the debt of my and of the company’s honour. In case of the violation (free or forced, premeditated or unintended) or the possibility of the non-observance of the norms I promise to tell my administration and my colleagues about it for prevention of any violation and its possible consequences.

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