News and history of TransAl


August: Publication of new version of the company’s web-site

April: Holding negotiations with “Ferrari” company about cooperation in exhibiton services. ExhibitionARU 2010.

Febhruary-March: Campaign «Free logistics audit» in 29 companies


January: Announcement of the “Year of hunt for tigers” in the company. The slogan of the year “Let’s shoot the crisis and finish it together”



December: International jewellery fair ARU 2010 Astana.

August: Campaign “Summer 2009”. Logistics audit of 27 companies.

July: Housewarming. Moving to a new office.

June: New seminars “Optimization of logistics expenditures” and “Correction of customs value. Interrelation and disputes with customs: principles, forms, experience, problems”

April: Exhibition ARU Almaty 2009.

February: Start of the new product “Logistic audit”. Free logistic audit of 27 companies within campaign “Winter 2009”. Approval of the plan of company’s diversification into 4PL format.

January:   Announcement of the “Year of love” in the company, the year of charm, and special attitude to our customer and partners, to our and their products, to quality and prices, to the best features of ours and theirs. TheThesloganoftheyearis “FromTransAlwithlove”



October:        International award «Golden Phoenix» in nomination “Elite of the world’s economy” and medal “Friendship of nations” for achievements in economical cooperation (Nice – Monaco). Read more at Nomination for 11-th international award in transportation (Madrid, Spain).

September:  Participation in international congress ATLAS in Portugal. Presentation of training seminar for participants from Poland, Germany, France. Exchangeofexperiencein 4 PLformat

July:  Development of a product “ Subscriber’s consultation services”

May:  Development of products “Anything from anywhere”, “Container shipments and consolidation on railway”. New packages “Convenient customer”

April:  Nomination for the10-th “Platinum Technology Award for Quality and Best Trade Name” (Rome, Italy) in criteria “satisfaction of customers, leadership, continuous training, results of activity, ISO, TQM, TQCS standards”. The award is established by association of Management and Consulting “Otherwise” (France, Paris) and “Management and Consulting” (France) read more at , awarding of “International Star for Leadership in Quality Award (ISLQ) (New York, USA) for implementation of 100 principles of quality QC100 and corporative results in 2007 (more at )

March:           Negotiations with company “Turkel” about organization of construction exhibitions in Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Russia and Slovakia. Awarding of XXX International prize of new millennium for “Technology and quality”(Paris, France), more at

February:       Working group of the company presented “Requirements to the company’s products” and included it into compulsory appendixes to the Agent’s agreement. The company reconsidered standards of quality and criteria or valuation based on ADSP and ISO standards.

January:        The Company announced the “Egg year”: year of hopes, new products, new quality, new staff and new prices. For the period of  New Year celebration the company turned into incubator of new ideas, new quality and customers’ requirements.



September:    Participation in international world ATLAS congress in Malaysia. Presentation of truck deliveries, sea consolidations from USA and Europe.

May:               Development and implementation of company’s Pricing and Discounts Policy

May:               The company is nominated for International Diamond Globe for Quality by the Committee of International Convention in Quality (more on The Award is developed and sponsored by international organizations  ImarPress ( ,  GPerson (, GatewayCNet (, Quality Update ( for “status of leading company in technologies and innovations, in perfection and quality”.

April:             The company is nominated in platinum category for prizes:  International award CQE (CENTURY INTERNATIONAL QUALITY ERA AWARD) The prize for quality, leadership, innovations, progressive technologies is awarded to the company for corporative achievements. Geneva, April 22-23, 2007.

March:           Export of training seminar to Russia. Group of Russian companies (Moscow, Volgograd) purchased this product for logistics companies’ stuff training.  The company was nominated for 35-th International Golden prize for quality,  Golden Trophy For Quality – New Millennium Award, Paris, France. The award was created 35 years ago for recognition and encouragement of the quality idea which allows the companies to gain advantage. More… ( ).

January:         At the request of regular customers our 10-th anniversary action was prolonged for 2007 as “Velvet season with TransAl”



September:    Development of «Company’s ethics», «Technologies of interaction between TransAl and customer”, «Mission and Vision»

July:                The company is nominated for prizes: International award «European quality» Committee of European Business Assembly (Oxford, Great Britain),

May:               Start of work with company’s glossary.

June:              Company is nominated for Golden Prize of Europe “For quality” –  – «New Millennium Award » Paris, France 2006. More … ( ).

March:           The company’s director is nominated for Gold Medal of American Biographical institute and for award “Person of the year” for 2006. More

March:            The company is celebrating it’s first 10-th anniversary. The discount certificates are made for regular customers and the customers who start cooperation with TransAl in 2006.

January:         Information about TransAl and it’s Director is included by American Biographic Institute to “The International Directory of Experts and Expertise”. Read more



September:     Development of the company’s HR Policy Principles. Approval of plans and contracts for continuous training of stuff during probationary and working periods. Development of job descriptions and functions, descriptions of working area. New forms of contacts with the stuff are approved. Directions of practical training are approved.

August:          Principles of project work based on the standards of Project Management Institute, USA are approved. Start of products “Logistics project work”, “Documentary logistics”.

July:                The Company is nominated by Association of Management and Consulting Otherwise (France, Paris) and Otherwise Int’l Research and Consulting (Lebanon, Beirut) International “Golden Five Continents Award for Quality and Excellence «for exclusive brand image and quality of the services”. More:

March – June: «TransAl» starts the following products:

•                       «Just-in-time system of delivery» – purchase of goods and equipment in favor of customer including Internet trading deals (purchase of cars, equipment, consumer goods) at the price of producing factory or exporter.

•                       «Delivery of cars from the USA and Canada” at optimized schemes.

•                       «Delivery of goods using DAF” as a form of optimization via logistics.

•                       «Delicate cargo» – for logistics of exclusive, valuable shipment and shipments with special requirements to PU and delivery.

•                       New programs of cooperation with customers which allow to provide services within optimal for a customer packages “Regular”, “Partner”, “Express”.

March:           The Company is nominated by Trade Leaders Club for International Award “For the best trademark”, “for perfect trademark image in its area and geographical zone”. Moreaboutclub:

January – April: Training product «International logistics» was bought for University of international business magistracy (Almaty).  Theclasswasof 17 students.



November:     Training of specialists under PMI (Project Management Institute USA) program Receipt of PMI standards certificates – receipt of project work from IELA and ARA

September:     Management of Foundation For Excellence In Business Practice nominated Freight Company TransAl Gold Medal for Excellence in Business Practice, Geneva.

September:    Freight Company was nominated for «Diamond Eye Award For Quality Commitment And Excellence», accreditation of program «TQCS»(high quality of customers’ satisfaction) Germany – Berlin. Association Other Ways International Research & Consulting

August:           Development of program for Internet tracing. Introduction of new system for informing of transportation services customers.

July:               Freight Company TransAl is accepted to Atlas International Network Ltd. – International Transportation Logistics Network the headquarter of which is in Belgium. Agents in 92 countries all over the world provide qualitative and flexible service for your cargoes. MoreaboutATLAS… ( )

May – June:  Organization of training seminar together with “Pragma” corporation for number of economical Universities of Almaty graduates.

April:             Start of a product “door-to door” delivery – complex service of 3PL format.

February:      «Freight Company «TransAl» is nominated for International Award «Quality Era in Golden Category”, Geneva. Criteria of selection for this award was based on information, surveys and voting (

December:     Freight Company TransAl was nominated for International Prize “For technology and quality” (Geneva). The prize is annually awarded by the Trade Leaders Club to the companies with innovative working style which allows them to be in advance-guard about products quality and provided services.



July:               Approval of company’s quality policy. New forms of internal and external audit.  Approval of quality passport for clients of C group and season questionary for clients of A and B groups and other forms of feedback.   The first action in quality management and marketing research “Summer-2003”.

June (23):       Freight Company TransAl is nominated for Gold Prize of Five Contanents for Quality and Proficiency. Choice of nominees is based on principles of customers’ satisfaction, leadership, continual staff training, business effectiveness, working under ISO 9000 standards. This Prize is admission of the achievements, prestige, innovations, quality , management and staff proficiency.

July (5):          Signing of cooperation agreement in specialists training and joint programs with Kazakh National University of  Roads and Transport and Kazakh Academy of transport and communication.

May (19):        Freight Company TransAl is accepted to World Cargo Alliance (WCA) –– world transportation – logistics network with agents in 200 countries. Membership in this alliance considerably enlarges partners relations of the company, gives a possibility to get optimal prices and to widen the services range. Moreaboutalliance… (

March:           List of the products offered by TransAl to the market is enriched by a new service – declaration with issuing electronic copy of declaration.  Declarations are made with the help of “Sintes-Declarant” program.

February (26): International selective committee BUSINESS INITIATIVE DIRECTIONS (BID) jointly with group of prestigious companies and experts nominated TransAl for international award “Quality Era” in golden category. BID supports businessmen from 165 countries of the world by its corporative programs. BID prizes are awarded to companies remarkable by their quality, technologies and innovations in commercial activity at the international market. More about “Quality Era” convention … ( ).

February (25): Freight Company TransAl was nominated for Golden European Prize for quality.  Founder of the club is Internationsl Trade Leaders Club with headquarter in Madrid, Spain. This Prize was founded 17 years ago as a part of the Trade Leaders Club (TLC) program in promotion of contacts and development of relations between businessmen of the world. TLC offers its members support and participation in marketing and advertising programs. More about club … ( ).

February (20): International selective committee of “Management and consulting association” (Geneva, Switzerland) together with “Otherways Int’l Research & Consulting” (Lebanon) put Freight Company TransAl forward for nomination “Golden Prize of America for Quality and Proficiency”.    This means recognition of prestige, innovations, quality and proficiency of the company, its management and staff. Choice of nominees is made within following concepts: customer satisfaction, leadership, continual training and professional growth, working according to the standards of Quality Management System, to publications and announcements in Mass Media.

January(29):  Industry Support Association (SPI) nominated TransAl for honorable French Award “Gold Medal of  Industry Support Association”. This nomination is the evidence of the company’s achievements in retaining of stability and structure dynamics, symbol of services quality and technologies, also evidence of company’s manager contribution to strategic management. More about SPI… (


September:    Signing of contract for cooperation of specialists and joint programs with Kazakh National University and Kazakh-German University.

June (13-16):  A seminar “Transportation logistics Management. Legal support of International logistics in Kazakhstan” organized by TransAl for “KazTransOil” took place. More about seminar (ссылка на файл «Аннотация к семинару»)

June (3-5):      Signing of cooperation agreement for staff training and joint programs with International Business Academy.

March:            Joining the international association PMI (USA) – Organization is one of the biggest in standardization and development of project management technologies.



August:           Signing a contract with University of International Business about cooperation in training specialists and joint programs.

June (26):       Receipt of governmental license for legal non-advocatory services. The license is general, permanent and is valid on all the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

April:              Award of the company with international prize for quality «International Gold Star for Quality” (Switzerland). International selective committee BUSINESS INITIATIVE DIRECTIONS (BID) together with group of prestigious companies and experts supports businessmen from 165 countries of the world with its corporative programs. BID prizes are awarded to the companies noticeable for their quality, technologies and innovations in commercial activity at the international market. Moreaboutconvention “QualityEra”… ( ).


March:           TransAl celebrated its first anniversary – 5 years. Award of the representative of World Bank and High Logistics Institute is received for participation in many programs of organization.



November – December: Organization of company’s management training in Arizona department of  «Emery Worldwide» within USAID USA program “Business for Almaty”.

September:     Exclusive forwarder for international exhibition “Shanyrak”, August. Establishment of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Almaty with other companies. Assignment of the company’s director to a position of vice-president.

July:                Start of work with art galleries for export of exhibitions abroad. Start of a product “Logistics of art exhibitions, shows, fairs”.

April:              Organization of the firs training seminar for logistic managers of customers’ companies “Legal management of Kazakhstan international logistics. Transportationlogistics.”

March:            Presentation of number of company’s products in International Chamber of commerce and Industry. Theproductsareawardedbydiplomasofstandardbearers.

February:       Start of products “Delivery of valuable cargoes, money and jewellery”, “Delivery of oversized cargoes”, “Delivery of cargoes in temperature conditions”, “Transit operations”.

January:        Signing of agreements for IELA customers services in Kazakhstan and Central Asia. IELAisanInternationalExhibitionLogisticsAssociation.



October (4):   Award of the company with international Prize, 2-nd International transportation award (Madrid). The founder of the award is International Trade Leaders Club with headquarter in Madrid, Spain. Moreabuttheclub… ( )

September (27): Receipt of customs broker’s license №0000048 valid for all the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

September (29): Registration of TransAl’s trademark (certificate №10980 от 29.09.1999) in  national trade register (number 1433) and in the International classification registers (numbers 35, 36, 39)

July-August:  Переговоры о сотрудничестве с ведущими Торгово-промышленными палатами Европы : Мюнхен, Франкфурт, Милан, Вена. Презентации продуктов компании в Международной Торгово-промышленной палате .

Июнь: Подписание агентского соглашения с Всемирной Транспортной Сетью Юнион  Транспорт, объединяющего 300 офисов и самостоятельных компаний в 118 странах мира

Май: Запуск продуктов «Ленивый лизинг», «Дистрибуция грузов по Казахстану и Центральной Азии», «Консолидации грузов в Европе», «Агентские услуги»

Апрель: Вступление в Республиканскую «Ассоциацию Качества», объединившую усилия ряда известных казахстанских предприятий по возрождению и развитию отечественного производства.

Март: Первые консолидированные поставки в Казахстан и Центральную Азию через склады Сервост (Аугсбург).



Октябрь: Переговоры с компанией Сибли Интернэшнл (США) об обучении методам фрачайзинга. Получение гранта фонда “Know how” на стажировку специалиста компании в Великобритании

Июль: разработка и утверждение программ страхования через компанию «ТрансАл»

Апрель-ноябрь: Организация поставок на территорию Кыргыстан с использованием методик франчайзинга. Сдача компаний под ключ в Бишкеке.

Апрель: Организация переговоров с «Бавариан Транспорт Группе» (Германия) о сотрудничестве в области выставочной и транспортной логистики

Март-апрель: Стажировка в компании проф. Стивенс – одного из ведущих специалистов в области организации транспортного бизнеса США и Канады

Март-апрель: Запуск на рынок Казахстана продуктов выставочной логистики. Оформление бизнес-процессов и документации. Первые контракты на выставочное обслуживание. Подписание соглашения с организатором международных выставок «КазЭкспо» о стратегическом сотрудничестве.



Декабрь: Компания вступила в переговоры с агентством СЕКО – канадской службой консультирования о проведении на базе компании практик международных экспертов

Июнь: Вступление в ассоциированные члены АНЭК – Ассоциации национальных экспедиторов Казахстана.

Март-апрель: Подписание стратегического сотрудничества с «Кыргызтелеком» (Кыргыстан) и компаниями «Нера Коммьюникейшн» (Норвегия), «Бритиш Телеком» (Великобритания), «Шлюмберже Геоквест» (Франция) о поставках оборудования в Кыргыстан и терминальных операциях в г. Алматы.



Март-апрель: Прохождение руководством компании обучения по программам Мирового Банка и Министерства Экономики РК на базе КАУ и УМБ. Учебный тур по логистическим компаниям Германии, Франции, Бельгии, Нидерландов

Март: Вступление в Международную Организацию грузовых экспедиторских ассоциаций, объединяющую ассоциации национальных экспедиторов в 161 стране мира. Индивидуальное членство закреплено за ТрансАл после организации АНЭК – Ассоциации национальных экспедиторов Казахстана.

Март: Перегистрация и закрытие компании «Транс-Ала-Сервис». Появление компании ТрансАл.

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