Terms and expressions


always afloat
а.а.r. against аll risks
АС account current
А/С for account of
асс. acceptance; accepted
асс.сор. according to the custom of the port
a.c.v. actual cash value
a.d. a/d after date
Add-on …tariff (also proportional rate or arbitrary [in USA])
ad val. (a/v) аd valorem (according to value)
ADN European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods on Inland Waterway
ADP automated data processing
АDR European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods bу road
АЕТR European Agreement concerning the work of crews of vehicles engaged in international road transport
АFRА average freight rate assessment
Agcy agency
a.g.w.t. actual gross weight
АМТ Air Mail Transfer
А.О. account of
A/or and/or
A/P account paid
аррrох. approximately
A/R all risks (insurance)
аrr. arrival
a/s after sight
A/S alongside
аsар as soon as possible
ASCII American Standard Code for Information Interchange
АТА actual time of arrival
ATD actual time of departure
АТР Agreement for the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs
Atty attorney
AWB Air Waybill


В.А.С. bunker adjustment charge
В.А.F. bunker adjustment factor
Bags/Bulk part in bags, part in bulk
В.С. bulk cargo
B/D bank(еr’s) draft
b.d.i. both dates (days) inclusive
B/G bonded goods
Bkge brokerage
B/L bill of lading
BUP Bulk Unit Programme
B.W. bonded warehouse


САС currency adjustment charge
CAConf Cargo Agency Conference (IATA)
CAD cash against documents
САF currency adjustment factor
САS сurrеnсу adjustment surcharge
CASS Cargo Accounts Settlement System (IATA)
С.В. container base
с.& d. collection and delivery
с.b.d. cash before delivery
cbm cubic metre
cc charges collect
CCL customs clearance
CCS consolidated cargo (container) service
ccx collect
C/D customs declaration
СЕМ European-Conference on goods train timetables
CEVNI European Code for Inland Waterways
CFR Cost and freight (Incoterms)
CFS container freight station
С.Н. carriers haulage
С.Н.С. cargo handling charges
Ch. fwd. charges forward
с.i.а. cash in advance
CIF cost, insurance and freight (Incoterms)
c.i.f.& е. cost, insurance, freight and exchange
c.i.f.i. & е. cost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange
с.i.f. & i. cost, insurance, freight and interest
с.i.f. & c. cost, insurance, freight and commission
c.i.f.c. & е. cost, insurance, freight, commission and exchange
с.i.f.c.& i. cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest
с.i.f.i. & c cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission
c.i.f.L t. cost, insurance and freight, London terms
с.i.f.w. cost, insurance and freight/war
CIM International Convention Concerning the Carriage of Goods bу Railway
CIP Carriage and insurance paid to (Incoterms)
CIV International Convention on the Carriage of Passenger and Luggage by Railway
CKD completely knocked down (unassembled)
clean B/L clean Bill of lading
сm centimetre(s)
cm3 cubic centimetre(s)
CMR Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road
С/N consignment note
сnее consignee
cnmt/consgt. consignment
сnоr consignor
C/O certificate of origin
C.O.D. саsh on delivery
C.O.F.C. Container-on-Flat-Саг (rail flatcar)
COMBITERMS System for cost distribution between seller and buyer according to Incoterms (among forwarders)
СОР customs of port
С.О.S. саsh on shipment
COTIF Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (CIM-CIV)
С.Р. Customs of Port
СР carriage раid
С/Р charter party
C/P blading charter party bill of lading
CPLTC Conference Port Liner Term Charges
СРТ Carriage paid to (Incoterms)
CSC Container service charge
CSC International Convention on the Safe Transport of Containers (UN)
CSConf Cargo Services Conference (IATA)
CST Container Service Tariff
С/Т Container Terminal
С.Т. conference terms
СТ combined transport
СТD combined transport document
СТО combined transport operator
СТРС Cargo Traffic Procedures Committee (IATA)
cu.ft. cubic foot (feet)
cu.in. cubic inch(es)
CVGK customs value per gross kilogram
CVGP customs value per gross pound
CWE cleared without examination
cwt hundredweight
CWO cash with order
CY container yard


D/A documents against acceptance
DАF Delivered at frontier (Incoterms)
DAP documents against payment
D.А.S. delivery resp. delivered alongside ship
Dbk drawback
DCAS Distribution Cost Analysis System
DDP Delivered duty раid (Incoterms)
DDU Delivered duty unpaid (Incoterms)
DES Delivered ех ship (Incoterms)
DEQ Delivered ех quay (duty paid) (Incoterms)
DFP duty-free port
dia diameter
dm3 cubic decimetre(s)
DOCIMEL Document CIM Electronique (Electronic CIM document)
D/O delivery order
D/Р documents against payment
DSTN destination
DWCC deаd weight cargo capacity
DWT dead weight ton


Е. & О.Е. errors and omissions excepted
ЕСЕ International Convention for the Harmonization of Frontiers Controls of Goods
ECU European currency unit
EDI electronic data interchange
EDIF Electronic Design Interchange Format
EDIFACT Electronic Data Interchange for Administration, Commerce and Transport
EDP electronic data processing
е.g. for example
EIR eguipment interchange receipt (containers)
ЕТА expected time of arrival
ETD expected time of departure
ЕТS expected time of sailing
EXW Ех works (Incoterms)


FAA free of all average
f.a.c. fast as can (loading or discharge)
F.А.С. forwarding agent’s commission
FАК freight all kinds
FALPRO Special Programme on Trade Facilitation (UNCTAD)
F. and D. freight and demurrage
f. а. q. fair average quality
FАS Free alongside ship (Incoterms)
FBL FIATA Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading (FIATA Document)
FCA Free carrier (Incoterms)
FCL full container load
franco; free
FCR Forwarders Certificate of Receipt (FIATA Document)
FCSR & СС free of capture, seizure, riots and civil commotions
FCT Forwarders Certificate of Transport (FIATA Document)
FFI FIATA Forwarding Instructions (FIATA form)
f.g.а. free of general аvеragе
FHEX Fridays and Holidays excepted
f.i. free in
f.i.a.s. free in and stowed
FIATA FCR Forwarders Certificate of Receipt
FIATA FCT Forwarders Certificate of Transport
FIATA SDT Shipper’s Declaration for the Transport of DangerousGoods
FIATA SIC Shippers Intermodal Weight Certification
F.I.B. Free into barge
f.i.c. freight, insurance, carriage
f.i.h. free in harbour
f.i.o. free in and out
f.i.o.s. free in and out stowed
firavv first available vessel
FIS freight, insurance and shipping charges
f.i.w. free into waggon
FLT forklift truck
f.o. free out
FOB free on bоаrd (Incoterms)
F.О.С. flags of convenience
F.O.D. free of damage
f.o.w. first open water
F.Р.А. free of particular average
FPAD freight payable at destination
FR flat rack (container)
Frt. fwd. freight forward
ft.ppd. freight prepaid
frt.ton freight ton
ft foot (feet)
FWB non-negotiable FIATA Multimodal Transport Waybill
FWC full loaded weight & capacity (container)
FWR FIATA Warehouse Receipt (FIATA Document)


G.A. general average
G.А.А. General Average Agreement (bond)
G.А.С. general average contribution
G.В.L. Government Bill of Lading
G.С. general cargo
G.C.R. general cargo rates
GDP gross domestic product
gds goods
GFА general freight agent
GМТ Greenwich Meantime
GNP gross national product
GRТ gross registered tonnage
gr wt gross weight
GSA General Sales Agent
GST goods and services tax
Guatemala City Protocol (1971) Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929 as amended by the Protocol at the Hague on 28 September 1955 (not in force)
Guadalajara Supplementary Convention (1961) Convention Supplementary to the Warsaw Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage bу Air performed by а person other than the contracting carrier


Hague Prot. (1955) Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to the International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929
Hague Rules International Convention on the Unification of Certain Rules relating to Bills of Lading (1924)
Hague/Visby Rules Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading (Brussels 1968)
Hamburg Rules United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea (1978)
HAWB House Air Waybill
HAZCHEM Hazardous Chemical Code
hdlg handling
HERMES Handling European Railway Message Exchange-System
hgt height
h/lift heavy lift
Н.Q. headquarters
HS Harmonized System (ССС Convention)
h.р. horse power


i.а.w. in ассоrdаnсе with
I.С.С. Institute Cargo Clauses
ICD inland clearance depot
i.e. that is
IMDG International Maritime Dangerous Goods Соdе
inсl. including
INCOTERMS Standard conditions for sale and delivery of goods (issued by ICC, Paris)
info information
INMARSAT International Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization
INTRM intermediate point
I.P.A. including particular average
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network
i.o.u. I owe уоu


kg(s) kilogram(s)
km kilometre
km.р.h. kilometres per hour
km2 square kilometre
kn knot(s)
kW kilowatt
kWh kilowatt-hour
Kyoto Convention International Convention on the Simplification and Harmonization of Customs Procedures (1973) (ССС Convention)


L/A Lloyd’s agent
LASH lighter aboard ship
Lat., lat. latitude
1b(s) pound(s)
L/C Letter of credit
LDG leading
1.& d. loss and damage
1.& u. loading and unloading
LCL less than container load (less than саr load)
LEL lower explosive limit
LFL lower flammable limit
long ton; long tons
Lkg/Bkg leakage & breakage
LNG Liquefied natural gas
L.O.A. length over а1l
LO/LO lift on, lift off
load loading
local; location
Long., long. longitude
LPG Liquefied petrochemical gas
LSD landing, storage and delivery charges
LT letter telegram
L.T. local time
L/T liner terms
LTA lighter than air system (airships)
1tge lighterage
lump lump sum


М minimum (rate classification)
m metre(s)
m3 cubic metre(s)
МАСН modular automated container handling
mat material
MAWB Master Air Waybill
Mdse merchandise
MEGC’s Multiple Element Gas Containers
MFN Most Favoured Nation
М.Н. Merchants Haulage
M/R mate’s receipt
М + R maintenance and repair (centre)
mi mile(s)
Montreal Prot. Nо. 4 (1975) Protocol to amend the Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air signed at Warsaw on 12 October 1929 as amended by the Protocol done at the Hague on 28 September 1955
msbl missing bill of lading
msca missing cargo
МТ motor tanker
MTD multimodal transport document
МТО multimodal transport operator
М/S Motor ship
M/V Motor Vessel


N normal (rate  classification)
NAABSA Not always afloat but safely aground
NAOCC Non Aircraft Operating Соmmon Carrier
NAWB Neutral Air Waybill (forwarders Air Waybill)
ncv nоn customs (commercial) value
n.e.s. not elsewhere specified
n.f.o. not free out
NGO nоn governmental organization
n.1.t. not 1ater than
n/n nоn-negotiable
N.,No.,Nr. number
N/O nо оrdеrs
n.о.е. not otherwise enumerated
n.о.р. not otherwise provided
n.o.r. not otherwise rated
n.o.s. not otherwise specified
N/R note of readineas
NRT net registered ton
nt wt net weight
n.v.d. nо value declared
NVOCC Non Vessel Operating Common Carrier


OBO Оrе Bulk Oil (carrier)
O.В.S. Oil Bunker Surcharge
OB/L Ocean Bill of Lading
O/D on deck
ODS operating differential subsidy
OFА осеаn freight agreement
O.R. owner’s risk
O.R.В. owner’s risk of breakage
O.R.D. owner’s risk of damage
О.R.F. owner’в risk of fire
ОТ open top (container)
o.t.o.r. on truck or railway


р.а. рег аnnum (per year)
Р.А. particular average
Para paragraph
Р.В.А. раid by agent
P & D pick uр and delivery
Р.& I. Protection and Indemnity Association
Р.& I.clause Protection and indemnity clause
Р.& I.Club Protection and Indemnity Club
Р.& L. profit and loss
Р/С Paramount Clause
р.c.f. pounds реr cubic foot
pct per cent
P.chgs. particular charges
p.D. partial delivery
p.h.d. реr hatch реr day
pkg package
Р/L partial loss
PLP parcel post
PLTC port liner term charges
pmt prompt
P/N promissory note
P/O purchase order
Р.O.В. post office box
Р.O.D. payment on delivery; раid on delivery
POD port of discharge
POL port of loading
РОR port of refuge
pp/ppd prepaid
p.t. per ton
ptly pd partly paid
p.t.w. per ton weight
pt/dest port of destination
pt/disch port of discharge
PTL partial total loss


Q Quantity (rate classification)
Q.c.o. quantity at captain’s option
qlty Quality
qty Quantity
Qn Quotatiоn
q.v. quod vide (which see)


R reduced class rate (rate classification)
rcpt receipt
rcvd received
r/c return cargo
RCU rate construction unit
REMCE remittance
Rentcon rent-а-container
returned or retired
R.I. reinsurance
RID International regulations concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by rail
RMD Rhine-Main-Danuhe Navigation System
RNR rate not reported
R/O routing order
R.O.G. receipt of goods
RO/RO roll-on/roll-off
RОТ reference our telex
RYT reference your telex
round С/Р round charter party
R.Р. reply paid
r.t.b.а. rate to be arranged


S surcharge (rate classification)
S/C surcharge
s & с shipper and carrier
S.& F.A. shipping and forwarding agent
SCR specific commodity rate
S/D sailing date
S.d. small damage
S/d sight draft
SDR Special Drawing Rights
SDT Shipper Declaration for the Transport of Dangerous Goods (FIATA form)
SHEX Sundays and Holidays excluded
sld sailing date
s.l.& с. shippers’load and count
S.L./N.L. ship lost or not lost
SLI shippers letter of instruction
S.O.L. shipowner’s liability
S.Р.А. subject to particular average
sq.cm(s) square centimetre(s)
sq.in(s) square inch(es)
SRCC strike, riots, civil commotions
S/S steamship
stvdrs stevedores
sub L/C subject to letter of credit being opened
sub licence subject to licence being granted


t ton
Т.А. telegraphic аddress
ТАСТ the air cargo tariff (IATA)
TBL through bill of lading
TBN to be named (ship)
Т/С time charter
ТС traffic conference аrеа (IATA)
ТС transcontainer
TD time of departure
TDO telegraph delivery order
ТЕЕМ Trans-Europe-Express Merchandises (rail service)
TEU twenty foot equivalent unit (containers)
TIF international transit by rail
TIR Customs Convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR carnets (for international road transport)
TL total 1оss
TLF tariff level factor
tnge tonnage
Т.О.D. time of dispatch
ТОFС Trailer on board flatcar
Т.О.R. time of receipt
tot terms of trade
ТОТ time of transmission
TOW tier on weight (container stacking according to weight)
TPND theft, pilferage, nоn delivery
tr tare
T/S transshipment


u.c. usual conditions
U.D. under deck
U.D.K. upper deck
ULCC Ultra Large Crude Carrier (oil)
ULD unit load device (aircraft)
U/w Unrierwriter


VAT value added tax
V.C. vessels convenience
Vеs. Vessel
VIC Very Important Cargo
VIO Very Important Object
VIP Very Important Реrsоn
VLCC Very Large Crude Carrier (oil)
VOCC Vessel Operating Common Carrier
vol volume
v.v. vice versa


Warsaw Convention Convention for the Unification of certain Rules relating to International Carriage bу Air (1929)
W.А. with average (Institute Cargo Clause)
W/В Way-bill
w.b.d. will be done
w.c. with costs
w.c.c.o.n. whether cleared customs or not
W/d working day(s)
wdt/wth width
w.е.f. with effect from
WG Working Group
wgt weight
whf wharfage
Whse Warehouse
WIPON whether in port or not
wk week
w/m weight/measurement
W/O, w/o without
weather permitting
w.р.а. with particular average
W.R. Warehouse Receipt
W.R.I. War Risk Insurance
w/t weight tons
w/v weight/volume
WW warehouse warrant
ww world-wide
Wwd weather working days
www world wide web


Х.Х. extra
x l & u l exclusive of loading and unloading
express paid
х pri without privileges


yd yard
y/c your cable
yday yesterday
у/l your letter
y/o your order


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