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Surprise!! Gifts! ! ! To the 16 anniversary of the Capital! July 6, until the City Day of Alma-Ata September 15, 2014 


Dear participants of foreign trade activities! You buy or sell goods abroad? You have big costs of logistics and you want them to lower? We submit to your attention on international expert project “Logistic Audit” organized by the Kazakh-German logistics community, International Union of logisticians of Germany, Kazakhstan Freight Forwarders Association, International Trade Leaders and the Kazakh-German University. Data collection on techniques of participants is made on the basis of a product “Logistic audit” Kazakhstan company “TransAl”. The project purposes — the analysis and optimization of logistic solutions FEA of Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

As a result of carrying out audit you receive: Decrease in expenses for logistics Optimize workflow Response on logistic activity of the company Identification of spheres of professional development of employees areas Issuance of the certificate from the organizers of audit

For free participation in the “Logistics audit” project it is necessary send an application 15.09.2014 to the e-mail address logisticaudit@transal.kz Questions coordination of work and meetings by phone: +77272672376. Online newspaper «Zona.kz»: Vasily Korolev, Director of the Logistic company “TransAl” about logistic calls facing Kazakhstan, about why participants of foreign trade activities overpay and that it is possible to make with it.

http://www.zonakz.net/articles/71186        http://www.zonakz.net/articles/74672

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